Online form changes from 24.10.2022

As of the 24th October 2022, our online forms can be completed between 7:00am & 3:00pm. Our appointment book closes from 3:00pm daily, while our doctors and nurses continue to consult patients with pre-booked appointments until the surgery closes at 6:30pm.

If you are concerned that you still need urgent medical advice after 3:00pm, please call to speak to a member of the reception team, who have been instructed by the doctors to collect some information about the problem so that it can be safely managed, and they will offer you further appropriate advice or alert a GP. This information is entirely confidential.

If your matter is urgent and outside working hours please contact 111. If severe, please consider attending A&E or calling 999.

We aim to review all queries that are submitted before 3:00pm on the same working day, however we may not contact you the same day.

Clinically urgent queries will be prioritised, but we may ask you to contact 111, A&E or other appropriate health care services if necessary.


Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) Hubs
